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The Business Operating System Alternative: System & Soul

Written by Tracy Winkler | Mar 4, 2024 5:21:51 PM

Welcome to the ever-evolving world of business, where every decision shapes your organization’s journey. To navigate the challenges and thrills of entrepreneurship, implementing an effective business operating system can help calm the chaos and guide us toward success.

Business operating systems come in many varieties, each with different approaches and structures. You’ve likely heard of EOS or Rockefeller Habits, being two of the most popular business operating systems. While there are spaces EOS and Rockefeller Habits are successful, they may not be the right fit for every business. 

As a former coach with EOS, I know this firsthand. Let’s explore why I found System & Soul to be a better fit for both my coaching journey and the majority of my clients. 

Where Other Business Operating Frameworks Fall Short

Picture this: a structured framework designed to help businesses achieve their grand vision — that's EOS for you. It's got all the bells and whistles, from Vision Traction Organizers to the Six Key Components™, offering a roadmap for our entrepreneurial endeavors.

But hey, let's keep it real. While EOS has its successes, I struggled with its rigidity and not quite fitting into its one-size-fits-most mold. 

Regardless of what system you're on, inflexibility can significantly constrain your business, stifling your adaptability and innovation and restricting your growth potential. Having a fixed framework may impede your company's ability to pivot in response to dynamic market conditions and emerging opportunities, making it challenging for your business to stay agile and competitive. 

The Alternative to EOS or Rockefeller Habits: System & Soul

Enter System & Soul — a breath of fresh air in the world of business operating systems. It goes beyond business strategy; it's about nurturing and honoring the soul of our business while we build up better and faster. Sounds intriguing, doesn't it?

System & Soul adapts to us, not the other way around. It's like having a custom suit tailored to fit our unique entrepreneurial journey, addressing both our business needs and personal growth. Weighing our options, System & Soul stands out with its personalized approach and unwavering focus on keeping the humanity of your organization. 

It's not just a business operating system; it's a journey toward becoming the best version of ourselves and crafting the best version of our business along the way.

Don't just take my word for it — from small startups to seasoned entrepreneurs, System & Soul has left its mark, transforming businesses and lives alike. Because System & Soul is an adaptable framework, it works for organizations in any industry, as long as you’re willing to put the work in for transformative and sustainable change.

I decided to become a System & Soul certified coach after experiencing firsthand the impact of personalized coaching on entrepreneurs and their businesses. Their stories of thriving within accelerated growth speak volumes about the transformative power of this system.

5 Questions for Entrepreneurs Considering System & Soul

Wondering if System & Soul is a good fit for your business? As long as you’re willing to put in the work, have 10+ full-time employees, and annual revenue of $2M+, you should consider how System & Soul can help your organization grow better, faster.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself or your team if you’re considering System & Soul:

1. Are We Crystal Clear on Our Vision?

It’s easy for your vision to become muddled if you’re experiencing rapid growth and change. If your organization doesn’t have a good grip on a vision moving forward, that could lead to disjointed efforts sending you in circles. System & Soul specializes in centering your team around a magnetic vision that captures the soul of your business.

2. Do We Have Accountability?

Without a solid system of accountability, you won’t be moving toward your goals anytime soon. That’s why creating a clear and focused org chart for your business is essential to your System & Soul journey from Day 1. No, seriously — creating an org chart and weekly scorecard to keep your team focused and accountable is on our Day 1 agenda.

3. Is Everyone Aligned on Strategy?

Similar to your vision, if your strategy isn’t clear, it cannot be effective. System & Soul ensures you and your team will have a focused strategy to align your efforts and fuel your growth. Within 90 days, you’ll see your team go from inconsistent, disconnected, and dysfunctional to accountable, cohesive, and productive. How’s that for just three months of work?

4. Are We Willing and Able to Put in the Work?

Speaking of the work, the System & Soul model is a two-year cycle that results in breakthrough for you and your company. When you put in the work over this time, you'll experience the reward. Your coach will be there to guide you to the clarity and control you’ll experience on the way to breakthrough, but they can’t do the work for you.

5. Is Our Organization Healthy?

System & Soul looks at your business through six key components that indicate how healthy your operations and your team are. Healthy organizations score above 90% on this free assessment. It takes less than 5 minutes to complete and you’ll receive your score instantly. It’s a good first step to determining if you can benefit from System & Soul. 


Discover How System & Soul Works to Transform Your Business Strategy

Ready to take the plunge into System & Soul or have some questions to walk through for your specific business? Book a free 30-minute meeting with Tracy to discover if System & Soul is a good fit for your business, or if another business operating system would serve you better. 

Know that you have options on which operating system to run your business. Don’t settle for a model that doesn’t fit or twists the soul of your organization.